Alma are five young musicians whose lives have always been entangled with folk music. They all grew up in musical families, and from their earliest age their commitment to traditional music was as important to them as going to school or riding a bike.
Their enthusiasm naturally led them to seek academic training to perfect their musical education, and to embark on numerous ensemble projects exploring a variety of different musical styles (also entailing the successful abandonment or completion of their ventures).

Ramsch und Rosen – Rummage and Roses

World music between once and now.

Among old paintings, manuscripts, and between the lines, Julia Lacherstorfer and Simon Zöchbauer rummage for old tunes. A layer of dust carefully wiped away, what they discover usually turns out to be a treasure chest – gems to bosom and ears. Their music bridges past and present – a past when clocks ticked differently and a present where we can connect ourselves to the whole world and choose from an immeasurable number of opinions, pick the most precious, the most suitable items for our individual character. The result: A type of unique music that is inseparable from the people who perform it. It needs to take place within them, earnestly, yet with a wink. “The most beautiful moment in a concert is when everything starts to coalesce: we with our music, our music with the audience, the audience with space and time, so that only the present moment exists with its sound and image.”

wellenklænge, Lunz am See

The Wellenklaenge, Lunz am See, is a festival of the contemporary. As a new team of directors, we see it as our task to represent a current music scene from as many different music genres as possible – from classical chamber music, jazz, international folk, the choral scene, folk music, etc …


In the fall of 2016, Ramsch & Rosen (Engl.: Rummage & Roses) fulfilled their wish of expanding their instrumentation by a piano and a bass. This not only coined an “extended version” of Ramsch & Rosen but also created a completely new and expanded world of sound with unlimited possibilities, offering new ways of developing traditional music, improvisation, and composition.